Welcome to Bug Away!
Your Trusted Partner for
Pest-Free Commercial Spaces
Bugs in your commercial building or works space are more than an annoyance. Bug problem can turn into a major expense. With Commercial Trash bags, you can treat the problem at its source. It is created from a breakthrough process of combining our very own bug repellent formula, Lymonessa, with the garbage bags themselves. Our formula has helped countless businesses deal with the problem at the source, enabling them to protect their facility, inventory, staff, and customers.
We received our US Patent in 2007, for the insect repellent formula. We have put in several years of research to develop Lymonessa. The product has been successfully tested by various agencies across US. The Integrated Pest Management proved BugAway! bags are the best all-natural method of reducing pests. By combining the formula with our garbage bags, we can solve the problem rather than temporarily neutralize them.
U.S. Patented BugAWAY! insect repellent garbage bags have recently been approved for use in federal & state facilities throughout the U.S. Several years of research have gone into the development of the Lymonessa formula. That is the key ingredient that has the US Patent. We incorporate the LYMONESSA into our bag to repel insects, bacteria, and small pests. Made with 100% Botanical Products makes them safe around food, children and pets. Testing has been completed by various agencies across the U.S. and prove BugAWAY! bags are the best all-natural method of reducing insects and small pests around your garbage. Repels: Fly's, Mosquito's, Yellow Jackets, Hornets, Wasps, Gnats, Mice, Rats, Squirrels and many more...... There are many companies that claim they have a bug repellent but they only use citronella, we have the only US Patented formula that actually keeps the bugs away! Don't waste your money on the others. Invest wisely... purchase BugAWAY! garbage bags. BugAWAY! is the only way to keep the bugs away. We are the primary distributor of BugAWAY!