Bugaway Brands INC
Address: Where to buy
3199 Albany Post Road Suite 236 Buchanan, NY 10511
Phone (914) 736-6101
Fax Number: (914)736-6104
Email: Westbrookmktng@aol.com

What is Lymonessa?
Botanical bi products have been used around the world for over 2000 years to repel insects.
Lymonessa was first formulated in 1991 and impregnated into plastic picnic tablecloths to repel insects during meals.
Its original inventor abandoned the product idea in 1999 due to financial burdens and frustrations with EPA requirements.
Late in 1999, we discovered this product and began to refine the formula to enhance its effectiveness.
In 2000, after testing with NIPCAM, the University of Georgia, EnviroCon Intl. and others, the conclusion was that Lymonessa (bugAWAY!) did indeed have very strong qualities in repelling insects. It is Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungal, plus it has the desirable “All Natural” claim and is also EPA Exempt as Safe.
Today in 2004, bugAWAY! (Lymonessa) is processing this formula into products such as: Trash Bags, Body Sprays, Tablecloths, Body Wipes and Room Fresheners with many more products and ideas on the table.
US Patented
When was the US Patent issued for bugAway!
Are there any harmful chemicals in the bugAway! bags?
No. bugAway! bags are made with 100% natural botanical products.
Can bugAway! bags be used in kitchen areas?
Yes. bugAway! bags are safe around kitchen/food environments as well as environments that include children and pets.
Where are bugAway! bags made?
Right here in the USA!